
Charl E Janeke Professional Narrative
Reference Material:
University of Pretoria
University of Witwatersrand
Council on Tall Buildings
Janeke & Cumming
BS & MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering 1964/66, University of Pretoria, S.Af. Worked at
the CSIR & ISCOR research labs from 1964-70, specializing in combustion, steel-making &
transient thermal systems.
Founded HVAC consulting practice in S.Africa in 1970.
Joined APEC in 1971 & took a primer in stochastic & advanced numerical systems at UCLA in
1972. Taught part-time at the Univ. of the Witwatersrand (Wits) & Pretoria (UP) in HVAC
modeling & optimization 1973 through 1982.
Presented proprietary papers in Houston 1982, Tokyo 1983, Durban S.Af, Clear Water FL
1985, Bath UK 1986, Orlando 1987 (cogeneration), Grand Forks ND 1988 (hypersonics),
Hong Kong 1990 & Pretoria S.Af 1992.
Nominated as ASHRAE Fellow in 1988.
Served as Steering Member to the CTBUH, Lehigh from 1988 through 1993 & visiting Professor
Chongqing-Yanze University 1992.
Secured US patents in 1973/86/89/93 re 1) a nystagmus-oscilator device 2) passive/cyclic
HVAC & 3) (trans-atmospheric) propulsion (2x) respectively. Appointed to the new Advisory
Board, CTBUH (Lehigh) in 1997.
Presently working on micro-engines for hybrid auto’s, dual-fuel Aerospike derivatives,
pulse-detonation rudimentaries, free-cool HVAC methodology, evaporative-cooling quirks
& adaptive HVAC/ shuttle strategies.
Worked as partner with Janeke & Cumming Consulting Engineers 1970-97, Drew & Associates
& the Charles Dunn Company 1994/95 re free-cool HVAC in S.Cal+ Texas.
Secured the INS grading of "alien of exceptional ability" in 1997.
Developed/owned various real-estate ventures in S.Africa, Belgium & the USA through
1982-1992, totaling some 250,000sqft.
Residing in Los Angeles, California.
